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  • Blog | Clínica Sm Dental Fuenlabrada | Comunidad De Madrid

    BLOG La Clínica SM Dental te muestra mediante un blog para ti lo que necesitas saber acerca del cuidado dental y la salud bucal. Título de imagen. Describe tu imagen aquí. Título de imagen. Describe tu imagen aquí. Título de imagen. Describe tu imagen aquí. Start Now

  • Clínica Dental Fuenlabrada Madrid | Clínica Sm Dental | dentista Comunidad De Madrid

    Estetica dental Ver tratamiento Rehabilitar “autonomía de la denticion" Ortodoncia Ver tratamiento Corrección «posición de dientes» Implantologia Ver tratamiento Colocación quirúrgica de implante dental. Endodoncia Ver tratamiento Eliminación del nervio Odontología general Ver tratamiento Prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de patologías Odontopediatria Ver tratamientos Salud bucal infantil At Clínica Dental SM we offer you your first consultation ! So you can check the health of your teeth Request your consultation here! Do you have any question? We will answer you in a few moments. C. Luis Sauquillo N93, Fuenlabrada 28 444 - MADRID 910 101 753 624 249 743 Name Surnames E-mail Write your message here... Send Thank you for your message! SM Dental Clinic SM Dental Clinic We are your trusted clinic specializing in dentistry, surgery and dental implantology. ​ A clinic for you and your family We are your trusted clinic specializing in dentistry, surgery and implantology. A cohesive team You will meet your welcoming, listening, very professional and passionate dentists. Affordable costs You will find your treatments at affordable prices Equipment Tatevik Hovsepyan Receptionist Dental assistant Anna Suarez de Diego general dentist Dental Aesthetics Orthodontist Nerea Redondo Munoz surgeon general dentist ​ Lorena Villaplana Sacristan general dentist endodontist patient cases Pediatric dentistry treatment endodontic treatment The satisfaction of our patients is precious to us! "An exceptional clinic, cleanliness, good treatments and great professionals, we are unbeatable and on top of that, super pretty " Dutrey Rose "The care received has been excellent and painless. Highly recommended. " Robert CM " Personalized attention and good work. Thank you very much!!! " Emilio J Castellanos Locate us! To get to the SM Dental Clinic you can come by car and park in the parking lot in front. If you come by metro you can stop with line 12 at Fuenlabrada Central station and continue walking for about ten minutes. By bus lines 471 /468 /497 /492 /496 /4 stop a few steps from the clinic ​ our address C. Luis Sauquillo N 93 Fuenlabrada 28,944 - 28,943 ​ MADRID Schedules Monday 10:00AM – 20:00PM Tuesday 10:00 AM – 20:00PM Wednesday 10:00AM – 20:00PM Thursday 10:00AM – 20:00PM Friday 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM ​ Closed Saturdays and Sundays We hope to see you soon ! Experience and care medical Advance of dental treatments and new technologies satisfaction of the patients

  • Blanqueamiento - Tratamientos Clinica Dental SM Fuenlabrada

    whitening Lighten the color of teeth - Dentistry What is tooth whitening? ​ Teeth whitening is a treatment that aims to clean stains and lighten the color of teeth. It is an aesthetic treatment that can brighten the smile by making the teeth whiter. ​ It is a treatment that allows the teeth to regain the white color they used to have. This previous change in tone is due to food and external factors that whitening restores. ​ ​ ​ How does teeth whitening work? ​ A dental whitening is done in a dental clinic by a dentist with the material and products specific to the treatment. To start tooth whitening, the dentist will apply a peroxide gel on the surface of the teeth, exactly 31% of the measured product so as not to damage the health of the tooth; And right after it will reflect an LED light, an intense light that will activate the bleaching process of the peroxide gel on the white tone of the teeth. This process works with the light of a laser and it will take about 20 minutes for the process to be carried out. Treatment: dental whitening in clinic ​ At the clinic, a diagnosis is made at the beginning to verify that your teeth are in a condition for teeth whitening. The result appears more instantly after applying the treatment as explained in the previous part. When doing teeth whitening at home with self-made products, it may happen that the concentration of substances does not agree with the rules of maintaining good oral health. Carbamide peroxide is the most used product in clinical settings for dental whitening. It is important that the product have a concentration of peroxide of 0.1%, while in a product obtained in an external box, the concentration may be 0.3 % which can be too strong and aggressive for the tooth. The result begins to be noticed immediately and can still be improved with a treatment recommended by the dentist after the clinic session. ​ Description of teeth whitening ​ A teeth whitening can be done in two ways; first the clinical treatment with the specialized LED or the treatment with splints prescribed by the dentist to be followed at home. ​ - Review of the teeth and identification of the shade of white that we are going to lighten - Placement of a retractor to prepare the mouth for whitening - Application of the gum protector from the second molar - Photo curing with the resin lamp - Application process of whitening on teeth - Exposure to LED light for 20 minutes ​ And now you will have the long-awaited white teeth that you can compare with the tone before! ​ What are the causes of darkening of the teeth? ​ One of the most obvious factors that can darken the color of the teeth is the food products that are consumed on a daily basis such as coffee, tea, cigarettes. Especially during the treatment and two weeks after whitening, the teeth must not come into contact with pigmented foods that could leave their marks on the white teeth. Dark foods leave a background color just like drinks, wine or simply colored fruits and vegetables that must be avoided during this period. ​ ​ Consequences of bleaching ​ Some new sensitivities can be felt in the teeth or gums after teeth whitening, when it is not strong, you should not worry because it will pass in a few days. If the sensitivity in the tooth or gums persists, it is advisable to inform the dentist in order to calm it down. ​ What are the causes of darkening of the teeth? ​ Impeccable oral hygiene is the only way to keep teeth white, for which some products can cause alterations in dental staining. For example, intrinsic or endogenous stains appear due to natural causes that may be due to enamel hypoplasia, vitamin deficiency or fluorosis or after dental eruption due to aging of the dentition. While extrinsic or exogenous stains appear due to pigmenting agents, present in certain foods or other products such as tobacco; Toothpastes must be chosen carefully and do not contain Chlorhexidine. ​ Paste or with chlorhexidine can be used for 7 to 10 days when recommended by a dentist ​ ​ whitening shades ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Contraindications of whitening ​ A tooth whitening has positive aspects as well as risks that it is necessary to be informed about. Gum diseases or medications taken in some cases of external diseases do not allow the whitening process . ​ Tratamientos Clinica Dental SM

  • Implantologia | CLINICA SM DENTAL

    Implantology Surgical placement of dental implant - dentistry If you have a damaged tooth that needs to be treated due to an oral pathology, the placement of a dental implant is going to be the best alternative for restoring that tooth. The implantology treatment is only effective in the case where the real tooth cannot be preserved, the dentist will make sure of this as a priority before starting the treatment. Several transformations can be noticed by losing one or several teeth, related to chewing and dental aesthetics of a person. For this, dental implants can be a medical alternative that will take care of the health of your teeth, preserving their most important functionalities. what is a dental implant? In the branch of dentistry, a dental implant is a screw made of titanium that is inserted into the maxillary bone to serve as a base for the placement of prostheses and dental crowns. Titanium is a biocompatible metal with dental bone. After its introduction, it will create an osseointegration mechanism by fusing with the bone and implanting itself in the root of the tooth. A dental implant can replace one or several teeth, or the entire dentition. We will take into account five periodontal tissues that we are going to treat in the dental implantology treatment: The bone, the cementum, the ligament, the connective tissue and the gum (implant mucosa). ​ Why is it necessary to put a dental implant? Placing a dental implant is necessary in case of loss of one or more teeth. It can be a real relief to replace teeth that have been removed due to serious pathology or dental disease. Losing a tooth or extracting it can have consequences on oral harmony, that includes chewing, the way of speaking and finally dental aesthetics. It is crucial to be able to replace them after having made a diagnosis, for that alternative, placing a dental implant, in order to recover not only the aesthetics but also the most important functionalities of the dentition. The dental implant is placed only when the real tooth cannot be preserved. ​ What can cause tooth decay? ​ Several external factors or those caused by unfavorable dental hygiene can be at the origin of the degradation of a tooth: these can lead to multi-level periodontal disease, caries, an accident... ​ The two most common oral diseases that require the intervention of a dentist with dental implantology treatment are periodontitis and peri-implantitis. ​ Peri implantitis: Peri implantitis is a dental disease of the gums, which comes from the inflammation of the mucosa, and which can cause bone loss from the root of the tooth. Periodontitis: The periodontium is a natural area in the tooth that joins it to the bone, it is the part of cement that covers the root. When the periodontium is damaged, the root of the tooth begins to become more fragile and the tooth can begin to move until it is permanently lost. Periodontitis is going to be a dental disease caused by poor hygiene and other external factors, which, if not treated, will damage not only the tooth but also the neighboring teeth. Gingivitis: Gingivitis appears in case of incorrect dental hygiene, which, when not treated, can worsen and cause periodontitis. ​ In which cases can implants not be placed? Inserting an implant into the bone base of a tooth requires that it have enough space, but also enough bone, at least 3 mm, to ensure the durability of the implant, although it depends on the case of each one. The titanium of the implant, being a biocompatible metal, will only be able to fuse correctly with the bone when it is too present. ​ To diagnose the dental base before treatment and evaluate the compatibility of the implant, the dentist will take an x-ray allowing the osseature of the dentition to be seen thanks to the x-rays. In the event that a patient suffers from some diseases such as diabetes, smoking... could also be a brake for surgery and treatment that requires a dental implant. In this case, we recommend that you consult your dentist for advice on possible alternatives that may be efficient. It is also necessary to consult the dentist when the patient is a smoker, which could be a brake on implantology. The important thing is that implants of different sizes can be found to conform and mold to roots and bone bases of any type, but if the amount of bone is not sufficient, then no implant can be placed. Dental implants: the surgical process Before getting to put a dental implant, a dental surgery takes place to extract the tooth and prepare the bone base, disinfecting it and making sure that it has enough space and with which implants it will be compatible. The surgical process lasts two hours or less and is generally performed in a dentistry cabinet. How long to get used to a dental implant? Accepting and getting used to the new material implanted in the dentition requires less time than you may think. The sensation may seem strange at first, but in just a month you will be able to talk and chew without feeling that the natural tooth has been replaced in any way. What advantages do dental implants have? One of the primary reasons dental implants are favored for tooth replacement is their high biocompatibility with human bone. The metal that constitutes the implants, titanium, allows the implant to fuse with the bone and thus become a natural body over time. In addition, the prostheses that are going to complete this placement of implants are, for the most part, carved with a harmonic appearance with the rest of the teeth. Whether it is the replacement of a tooth or the entire dentition, the final smile remains natural. ​ Dental implants are painless and invisible, they will be placed in the root of the tooth and once the process is finished, the presence of the implants is not remembered again. However, the follow-up is still necessary to check the entertainment of that new body in the dentition. Leaving aside aesthetics, dental implantology allows you to recover chewing function, so it is a very important stage to maintain good health in general. The surgical process is a procedure that requires detail and patience, but the result will be worth it. Types of dental crowns on implants Three types of implants are used depending on the area to be treated: There is The dental crown - The dental bridge - the false teeth ​ Tratamientos Clinica Dental SM

  • Radiologia | CLINICA SM DENTAL

    Radiology Diagnostic x-ray image of the teeth and mouth - Dentistry What is radiology? ​ Dental radiography is an image that shows the teeth and mouth as they are on the inside that serve to make a diagnosis of oral health. ​ At SM Dental Clinic we do panoramic radiography and teleradiography ​ An office is reserved especially for the dental x-ray machine. The patient takes a seat while the dentist can scan the dentition and mouth which can later be analyzed to find the right treatment ​ How is an x-ray exam performed? ​ An x-ray examination is done taking into account the objective and what the dentist needs to diagnose. Dentistry has several types of radiography: ​ Orthopantomography (panoramic radiography): It is the type of radiography that we propose at SM Dental Clinic, a panoramic dental radiography, with x-rays, which allows us to take a precise image of the patient's mouth. Due to its detailed precision on the teeth and gums, thanks to panoramic dental radiography, the dentist can identify possible pathologies and anomalies in the roots to prevent diseases that they can generate. Being informed of a pathology in the tissue around the teeth and in the root allows anticipating and intervening with an appropriate treatment to resolve cases without waiting for it to reach a higher level. ​ Cephalometry or teleradiography: A type of radiography also used to review cases related to dental dentistry. Although teleradiography is more used in studies prior to orthodontics. Cephalometrics give a global view of the skull, teeth, and bones to identify skeletal problems or bone disposition. ​ Dental CT: This type of X-ray allows a patient's dentition to be observed from various angles that can also be sent by computer. The CT lets you see the parts with an unattainable detail with a three-dimensional view to be able to analyze the image of the patient's mouth. ​ An x-ray is used throughout the treatment ​ The X-ray image of a patient allows us to identify the origin of the pathology. It gives us the opportunity to be able to show those images to the patient while we explain the situation to the patient if necessary and they can be kept. ​ ​

  • Odontologia general | CLINICA SM DENTAL

    General odontology Primary Oral Health Treatments ​ What are the treatments performed by general dentistry? General dentistry includes the following treatments: Endodontics: In cases of deep infections where a channel is created to the root of the tooth to disinfect and restore the tooth by eliminating the nerve. Orthodontics: A treatment that is required to correct poor jaw posture or align the teeth with an appliance. It takes care of slowly moving the bones to place the teeth in a healthier and more aesthetic position. Implantology: A surgical treatment directly related to the bony area of the teeth. It can be for one or several teeth an intervention to replace them with artificial teeth, placing fixed or removable implants. Periodontics: This treatment is directed more towards the tissues around the teeth, the gums and all the deeper pathologies that can affect the teeth from the root. The teeth may begin to fall out or in better cases they can be saved with periodontics, completing the parts to be removed with another material. Dental aesthetics: It is important to keep healthy teeth and even better if the appearance is at the same level. The aesthetic dental treatment is directly related to what can be seen, veneers, crowns or even orthodontics can be placed for the expected result. Several actions are carried out on the dentition to improve it as much as possible, so there may be bruxism, extractions, teeth cleaning, whitening, veneer placement... These processes can give a complete treatment starting with the root and reaching to the tooth surface What diseases does general dentistry treat? In most cases, the dental pathologies that we are going to present to you cannot be anticipated at first glance. The alarming cases in dental health are hidden and can sometimes be seen only thanks to radiology. A dental diagnosis can be both preventive and direct treatment when it is time to act. ​ A toothache, sensitivities; bleeding gums, appearance of cavities, loss of a bone... and other more complex that happen when the minimum pathologies are not treated. It is a very important reason why the SM Dental clinic proposes a first consultation to check the health of the teeth and intervene if necessary. ​ Take care of the health of your teeth ​ Anticipating pathologies that may appear over time can avoid many treatment needs. For that, it is necessary to follow irreproachable oral hygiene, taking into account the advice of dentists. Brushing the teeth has to be included daily three times until all the corners between the teeth and the gums are 100% clean. ​ For that, you also have to choose a toothbrush with fine tips and change it every two or three months so that the new ones continue to be effective. ​ When to consult? ​ In general, it is convenient to visit a dentist every 6 months, but it is not necessary to wait for a symptom to appear to consult, but to evaluate the health of your mouth and teeth Tratamientos Clinica Dental SM

  • Odontopediatría | Dentista infantil en Fuenlabrada Madrid | Clínica SM Dental

    Pediatric dentistry "Children's" dental treatment - Dentistry What is pediatric dentistry? Pediatric dentistry focuses on specialized dental treatments to care for children's oral health. It is followed from infancy to the growth of the little ones to anticipate and be attentive to their dental health. Pediatric dentistry is a branch of orthodontics that focuses on children's oral health to prevent possible anomalies that may appear in the teeth from childhood and apply treatment if necessary and personalized if the teeth require it. Children's first visit to the dentist ​ From the earliest years, children can consult the dentist for a first diagnosis. ​ The growth of children's teeth ​ What are the pediatric dentistry treatments? ​ When can child orthodontics be applied? ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ What is pulpotomy? ​ What kind of toothpaste should children use? ​ ​ ​ ​ Newborns and babies - pediatric dentistry ​ Preschoolers Schoolchildren ​ What is pulpotomy Pulpectomy: extraction of the pulp chamber of primary teeth: it may be due to extensive caries or trauma ​ radiology is needed to make sure that ​ Possible contraindications to treatment -fistula exudate ​ Procedure: swelling ​ 1 x-ray 2 recognize treatment 3 local anesthesia points 4 isolate the tooth Tratamientos Clinica Dental SM

  • Ortodoncia | Tratamientos Clinnica Dental SM Fuenlabrada

    Orthodontics Correction treatment «tooth position» - Dentistry SM Dental Clinic proposes orthodontic treatments to correct the position of the teeth and align them. Invisible orthodontics Orthodontics is a dental treatment to align the dentition by moving the teeth and improving their aesthetic appearance. But that's not all, moving the teeth is above all a means to improve health. How much pain can be felt after orthodontic treatment? ​ Discomfort may be felt when wearing a brace as soon as the brace placement process is completed by the orthopedist. ​ What is invisible orthodontics? ​ What problems can I face due to a dental malposition? ​ Can you wear orthodontics if you have periodontal disease? ​ Tratamientos Clinica Dental SM

  • Micro filer | CLINICA SM DENTAL

    Tratamientos Clinica Dental SM

  • Tratamientos | CLINICA SM DENTAL

    Treatments Our specialized dental treatments General odontology Implantology Orthodontics Periodontics endodontics Dental prostheses whitening Pediatric dentistry Dental Aesthetics Facial aesthetics Radiology own laboratory ¡Pide tu consulta aquí! C. Luis Sauquillo N93, Fuenlabrada MADRID 624 24 97 43 Nombre Apellido Email Escribe un mensaje Enviar ¡Gracias por tu mensaje!

  • Periodoncia | Tratamientos clinica SM Dental Fuenlabrada MADRID

    Periodontics "Tissue pathology" treatment - Dentistry Do you feel a recession in the gums? Do you have a missing tooth or a damaged bone base? At Clínica Dental SM you will find the best specialists to treat periodontitis and any other type of infection. What is periodontics? What is periodontal treatment about? ​ Periodontics is the treatment in dental dentistry that will focus on the health of the tissues that surround the teeth. The main periodontal intervention focuses on the dental hygiene of patients, since it is one of the main causes of periodontitis. It can affect the tissues that hold the tooth: the gums, the alveolar bone, the periodontal ligaments and the root cement that become damaged, releasing the hold of the tooth. ​ Periodontics is for this reason to thoroughly clean and disinfect the pockets and tissues around the teeth to heal the dentition and restore good dental hygiene before dental pathologies appear. ​ ​ What are the dental pathologies that require periodontal treatment? ​ Periodontics is a clinical dental treatment against gingivitis and in more serious cases periodontitis. These are a group of periodontal pathologies that are presented by inflammations around the teeth. They are usually gum infections. These infections occur due to the accumulation of tartar or bacteria on or between the teeth and the gums. ​ One more thing, since damaged gums can come from a veneer or a crown that has been misplaced or has moved. ​ What are the levels of gum disease? ​ The early stages of gum disease include reddening of the soft tissue of the gums, sometimes even bleeding and swelling of the gums. Gingivitis is the beginning of a periodontal disease that can be caused by poor hygiene, tobacco, accumulation of bacteria. When the disease is not treated it becomes even more serious and can even lead to the loss of those damaged teeth. Periodontitis begins to be created from an untreated gingivitis, and begins gradually destroying the periodontium. ​ ​ What part of the tooth is the periodontium? ​ The periodontium is a fibrous connective tissue that lies between the alveolar bone and the cementum that covers the root of the teeth. The periodontium supports the tooth, but it is also a transmitter of nerve impulses and nutrition to the tooth. ​ Symptoms of periodontitis ​ A person with periodontitis directly notices that their gums are red, swollen and more sensitive. It can also be noticed in some cases that the gums begin to bleed during brushing. These are the alarming signs to treat the infection, although sometimes pockets of pus can also form where it is infected. Better to treat it than to let the infection build up to create a more visible space between the tooth and the gums, making it clear that the ligament that supports the teeth is damaged and that the teeth could start to become fleshy. ​ What external aspects can worsen periodontitis. ​ Cases of systemic conditions can be caused by diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, or HIV... Some external factors such as stress, tobacco use, or inadequate nutrition can negatively affect a case of periodontitis. Even more in detail, some types of medication may be at the origin of the aggravation of this pathology or could simply be unfavorable: such as phenythoin, nifedipine, cyclosporine. Diagnosis of periodontics step by step ​ A diagnosis is first made to identify the level of disease that the teeth have reached. An X-ray allows you to see in depth the areas damaged by periodontitis and focus on them more precisely. ​ The non-surgical part of the treatment includes scaling to clean tartar between the teeth and under the gums with a laser. Followed by a root ally that allows to smooth the surface of the roots, eliminate bacteria and take antibiotics for the same process and prepare it for the surgery stage if intervention is necessary. Since in some cases cleaning is more than enough. ​ Periodontic surgery will then be adapted to the patient's needs, it could be surgery to reduce pockets, insert soft tissue, insert bone, guided visual regeneration or tissue-stimulating proteins. ​ How long does a periodontics last? ​ Periodontal treatment usually takes two hours to complete the surgery. A local anesthesia allows numbing the gums to carry out the treatment without feeling any pain. ​ Stages of a periodontal treatment ​ ​ Remember that once this pathology of the tissues is treated, it is rare for it to reproduce again, since in a healthy gum you will not find any periodontal pocket. ​ 1st part: Grammar periodontal study during the consultation to identify where the periodontal pockets are located in the gums. We are going to capture the mobility of the teeth and evaluate the dental plaque index to divide the areas and prepare the treatment 2nd part: Curettage and scraping that will eliminate tartar and irritants that cause periodontitis, thanks to an ultrasonic device. It is one of the most important and longest stages where all the accumulated bacteria will be thoroughly cleaned. Cleaning is normally done under anesthesia to reach the depth of the gums. 3rd part: Passage of curettes to see that the surface of the root is very smooth, making sure that all the parts are thoroughly cleaned and that the gums have returned to their healthy state. ​ ​ Tratamientos Clinica Dental SM

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